Got Green works to ensure that low-income people and communities of color in Seattle/King County can gain equal access to and reap the benefits promised by the green movement and the
Job Announcement: Executive Director
Got Green is hiring an Executive Director Got Green is looking for a new Executive Director who has experience with community organizing, grassroots campaigns, organizational development, staff support & supervision, management of base-building programs,...
The Fight for Repairs & Healthy Public Housing
“What do we want?!” —---- “Repairs!” “When do we want ‘em?!” —---- “Now!” The chants of public housing tenants filled the air as we piled into every inch of Seattle Housing Authority’s (SHA) Rainier Vista office in south Seattle. In both English and Somali, tenants...
Job Announcement: Operations Manager
Operations Manager: Info about this position: job description, salary, and more To Apply Email a cover letter, resume, and three professional references in pdf format to Please use “Operations Manager” as the subject line of the email. This...
Goodbye, For Now
SAYING GOODBYE AFTER A DECADE OF GROWING AT GOT GREEN It is with a heavy heart to share with you that this is my last month at Got Green as Executive Director. It has been such a journey to grow together with this organization. When I joined in 2009 as a volunteer, I...
After Earth Day
Thank you for joining Got Green for our Earth Day events on April 22! Whether you dug your hands into the soil at Nurturing Roots, put up posters across the South End, drew inspiration from the BLOC Party Assembly, or learned about the Duwamish River Cleanup...
Earth Day
Thank you for registering for Got Green’s Earth Day events on April 22 - this Thursday. You will find the details for our events below, including times, locations, safety protocols for in-person events, and links. For the in-person events, we recommend you wear...
Public Apology – Use of Art & Respect for Artists
Got Green is sharing this statement to publicly acknowledge & apologize for printing art and collecting donations while distributing art without artist permission at our screen print station this past weekend. ------------ Got Green apologizes to BrownBartBaby for...
Emergency Justice In Response to COVID-19 As an environmental justice organization based in working-class communities of color in South Seattle, Got Green demands that Governor Jay Inslee, as well as county officials and Mayors across WA State, to use...
No Cap & Trade in WA State
Dear Washington State Senate, As communities of color affected by climate change and environmental injustice, we call for real reductions of pollution directly at the source. And for that very reason, we call for a rejection of Cap-and-Trade and other forms of carbon...
No War With Iran
Got Green: No War With Iran Got Green unequivocally opposes the war with Iran -- from direct military occupation and drone strikes to sanctions and travel bans. This war - like all wars of the United States empire - will unleash a violent system of policing,...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Keep Beacon Hill Affordable and Family Friendly: Public Meeting
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, October 24 2017 Keep Beacon Hill Affordable and Family Friendly: Public Meeting “We are not fighting against the future, we just want to be included in it” - Esther Little Dove John What: In 2016, Skidmore Janette APD submitted an...
Sugary Beverage Tax FAQs
WE DID IT! Through grassroots pressure and powerful coalition building, Seattle passed a Sugary Beverage Tax and is the first city to have the tax revenue be invested in Food Security Programs! How will the tax benefit our community? Got Green welcomes the City of...
Changes in the Climate and Changes at Got Green
Changes in the Climate and Changes at Got Green Resisting the Heat and the Haze Seattle is currently experiencing some of the most extreme weather in our city’s history, between record high heat wave as well as a looming haze of smoke (due to wildfires in...
Our Food Security Victory!
For Immediate Release June 5, 2017 Contact: Tammy Nguyen, 206-832-5792, Tanika Thomspon, 206-94-7897, Seattle Becomes First City to Devote Sugary Drink Tax Revenue toward Closing the Food Gap...
Sugary Beverage Tax, We’re Not There Yet!
Tanika here from the Food Access Team with an update. Right, we have a big opportunity to influence City Council to devote the Sugary Beverage Tax revenue toward education and access programs to close the food security gap! Will you come out and support these demands...
We’re Hiring!
ORGANIZING DIRECTOR Position/Classification: Full time, Exempt, Director Reports to: Executive Director Direct Reports: Food Access Organizers, Climate Justice Organizer, Young Leader Organizer Application Due: May 30, 2017 Location: Seattle, WA Start Date: July 1,...
Pass Sugary Beverage Tax (SBT): Reinvest Money in Food Security for Working Families!
Got Green welcomes the City of Seattle’s proposed Sugary Beverage Tax (SBT), but urges the Mayor and City Council to reinvest ⅓ of the revenue in expanded programs that close the food security gap for working families. As of now, the SBT is expected to pass, with the...
Ways to Support Standing Rock
Water is Life. Support Indigenous right to healthy water! #NoDAPL It always felt strange to celebrate today's holiday while knowing the violent history of the USA, which resulted in the stolen lives and lands of millions of Native people. This is why our climate...
Dear Community It’s been a heavy week for many of us. Though the local election results were hopeful, we could not ignore how the presidential results impacted us. So many questions and unknowns, especially concern and fear about the safety of ourselves, our neighbors...
Got Green opposes Initiative-732 and other market mechanisms to address climate change. We need Climate Justice, not False Solutions!
Got Green stands together with over 60 racial justice organizations in Front and Centered to demand justice for communities of color, workers, and those hit hardest by climate change and environmental racism. Climate Justice requires at least two actions: (1)...
Join us Tuesday 10/25/16 to get the Green Pathways resolution funded!!
On October 3rd, Seattle City Council Members passed the Young Leaders Green Pathways Resolution! This work could not have been done without all of you. THANK YOU! Now let's move this resolution into action! The resolution outlines $150K which would staff an...
FRIDAY join us to get the Green Pathways for Young Workers resolution passed!!
In the Spring of 2016 the Young Leaders in the Green Movement hosted a Lunch & Learn with Council Member Lisa Herbold. The Lunch & Learn was a venue for the Young Leaders to speak to community members and council members about the importance of the Young...
Just Transition Assembly
JUST TRANSITION ASSEMBLY Seattle Washington Register Here Day 1 Friday, September 2nd - Southside Commons 3518 S Edmunds Street, Seattle WA 98118 Registration 600pm - 630pm Welcome and Potluck Dinner 630pm - 900pm Idle No More: Decolonize Our Activism This...
Acompáñanos al Segundo Asamblea de Transición Justa del Noroeste en Seattle // Septiembre 2-5 2016
In English Estamos viviendo en un momento profundo, caracterizado por el crisis económico, de clima, y el crisis de imperio, un momento cuando instituciones políticos y económicos ven nuestra planeta y comunidades como disponible, entidades que se puedan tirar. Vemos...
Join us for the 2nd Pacific Northwest Just Transition Assembly, in Seattle // September 2-5th 2016
UPDATE 9/1/2016 Check out the full program here: en español We are living through a profound political moment, characterized by the economic crisis, the ecological crisis and the...
Announcement: Changes to the Food Access Team and Welcome Tanika!
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house,” – Audre Lorde (1984) When Jill Mangaliman, Executive Director of Got Green, asked if I would help them create a job share for the Food Access Team Community Organizer...
Position Announcement: Operations Manager
Application deadline extended -- apply before May 20th (Friday)... JOB ANNOUNCEMENT OPERATIONS MANAGER The Operation Manager is a part time position responsible for managing office space, database and accounts, as well as volunteer coordination. ...
Donate to the Green-A-Thon Teams
Donate today to your favorite Green-A-Thon team. After donating, help us spread the word! These aweome volunteer-based teams are helping Got Green raise $40,000 for our organizing in communities of color and low income communities for local jobs, healthy food, green...
PRESS ADVISORY: What did 175 residents of South Seattle have to say about climate change?
Press Contact: Afrin Sopariwala 408.598.7656 | What did 175 residents of South Seattle have to say about climate change? SEATTLE, WA - The disproportionate impact of climate change to low income communities of color has been widely...
Our People, Our Power, Our Planet. Community-Led Research in South Seattle
Executive Summary of Our People, Our Planet, Our Power: Community-Led Research in South Seattle Got Green and Puget Sound Sage; March 2016. Over nine months, Puget Sound Sage and Got Green set out to learn how our communities were experiencing climate change....
March 12, 2016 – Climate Justice Project Report Release
Climate Justice Report Release Sunday, March 12th at 2-5pm Asian Counseling and Referral Serivices 3639 Martin Luther King Jr Way S, Seattle,WA 98144 RSVP: "To do climate work, we must be humble and take the lead from those who...
February 19th, 2016 – Grassroots Global Justice Community Forum
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2016 // BELLINGHAM UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP It's been 7 months since the first PNW Just Transition Assembly, co-hosted by Community to Community and Got Green, August 13-15th 2015. Since then we have made many strides to grow an intersectional and...
Food Access, Food Sovereignty and Farmworker Solidarity Dinner and Panel Discussion
Saturday December 19th, 5-8:30pm at Southside Commons 3518 Edmunds St, Seattle WA 98118 (Near the Columbia City light rail stop, and the 7, 8, and 9 metro lines) panelist and presenters include: Afrin Sapariwala from Rising Tide and Women of Color Speak Out,...
We are the Red Line – Global Day of Action for Climate Justice
Nature doesn’t compromise, but negotiators in Paris will. In Seattle and around the world, we have to commit to defending the lines that cannot be crossed if we hope for a stable climate. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’ve already begun. But we need to deepen our...
Our Roots Will Weather The Storm! Join us on November 12th, 2015 for our Community Town Hall on Gentrification and Climate!
In order to address climate change, we must view the health of the community and the environment as interlinked and address the injustices happening to communities of color both locally, nationally, and in the Global South – food insecurity, criminalization,...
Fresh Bucks Sign-on Letter to City Council
For the City Budget has cut $50,000 of Fresh Bucks in the 2016 budget and we need your help to get it back! (Fresh Bucks is a program that provides a dollar-for-dollar match of up to $10 per EBT user, per market, per day. We are asking for you or your organization to...
Save the date for the Seattle People’s Climate March 2015
Building off the momentum of the Just Transition Assemblies and direct actions, Got Green joins forces with other organizations like NWDC Resistance, Community to Community, Familias Unidas por la Justicia, and Rising Tide to build an intersectional movement for...
Breaking the Green Ceiling: Breaking the Green Ceiling: Investing in Young Workers of Color, Paid Environmental Internships, Career Pathways.
The Young Leaders in the Green Movement steering committee is proud to present the report Breaking the Green Ceiling: Investing in Young Workers of Color, Paid Environmental Internships, Career Pathways. This is the culmination of 2 years of work, beginning in 2013...
New Report finds a “Green” Glass Ceiling for Seattle’s Young Workers of Color Community Leaders Calling for Green Paid Internships
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 5, 2015 Contact: Murphy Stack, 206.466.7712, New Report finds a “Green” Glass Ceiling for Seattle’s Young Workers of ColorCommunity Leaders Calling for Green Paid Internships SEATTLE--Today, Got Green’s “Young Leaders”...
Join the Summer of Our Power, August 13-15th in Bellingham!
Got Green is co-anchoring with our sister organization, Community to Community, the first ever Pacific Northwest Just Transition Assembly, August 13-15th. REGISTER HERE Come learn and support the priorities of impacted communities...
Hurricane Katrina 10th Anniversary – “Trouble the Water” Free Movie Showing
On August 29, 2005 -- Katrina's storm surge caused 53 different levee breaches in greater New Orleans, submerging 80% of the city. The storm surge also devastated the coasts of Mississippi and Alabama, and displaced over one million people from the central Gulf coast,...
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PRESS RELEASE: Communities of Color in South Seattle Launch Climate Justice Project
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 13, 2015Reference: Jill Mangaliman Email: Communities of Color in South Seattle Launch Climate Justice Project Date: Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 12:30pm Location: Southside Commons – 3518 S. Edmunds St. Seattle, WA...
Climate Justice Survey Launch
Got Green and Puget Sound Sage are excited to announce our Climate Justice survey launch! We are working together to understand what our communities think about climate change and identify just solutions that benefit our communities and our environment. We’ve been...
Position Announcement: Climate Justice Project Organizer
Organizational background Got Green is a people of color-led organization based in Southeast Seattle working to ensure the benefits of the green movement - green jobs, access to healthy food, energy efficient and healthy homes, and public transit - reach low-income...
Give Big to Got Green on May 5th
SAVE THE DATE :: Tuesday, May 5th :: Let's keep the energy of Green-A-Thon going as we approach Give Big day on May 5th. All donations made on this day will be stretched by the Seattle Foundation. This Spring, Got Green plans to raise $50k to advance...
Got Green's 3rd Annual Green-A-Thon Saturday April 25th!! Climate Justice Green-A-ThonSaturday April 25thHoly Temple Evangelistic Center 12600 Renton Ave S, Seattle WA 98178 in Skyway9am - 3pm Remember to bring a water bottle, walking shoes and your rain protection of...
Young Leaders launch Green Pathways out of Poverty Campaign
[satellite] On March 17th, Got Green's Young Leaders in the Green Movement committee launched a new campaign, to call on elected officials to create 100 new living-wage, “green” internships targeted at young adults of color and young people living in under-resourced...
Announcement from the Board of Directors: Got Green will continue legacy under the former CCEJ’s non-profit status
March 23, 2015 To our community: As leaders of the Got Green and the former Community Coalition for Environmental Justice, we are pleased to announce an important transition that will ensure the continuation and strengthening of environmental justice...
Press Release: Campaign Launches to Create Green Pathways out of Poverty for Young Workers of Color
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mo! Avery, Got Green (206)290-5136; Got Green Campaign Launches to Create Green Pathways out of Poverty for Young Workers of Color What: Young Leaders in the Green Movement call on City to create 100 new...
2015 Green-A-Thon Promo Video
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Donate today to your favorite Green-A-Thon team... or better yet, spread it around to a bunch of these awesome volunteer-based teams helping raise $30,000 for Got Green's organizing in communities of color and low income communities for local jobs, healthy food, green...
On March 17th, join with the Young Leaders in the Green Movement to demand more, living wage, career pathway, green, internships.
The Young Leaders in the Green Movement steering committee is a grassroots leadership committee made up of young workers of color, ages 17-34, in South Seattle and South King County which seeks to create career pathways in order to develop leaders in the environmental...
Join the Green-A-Thon this year!!
Priority Hire Approved by City Council Unanimously!
[satellite auto=on] On Tuesday the Seattle City Council unanimously voted (9-0) to adopt the Priority Hire Ordinance (CB 118282) following nearly two years of organizing and advocacy by our South Seattle Jobs Committee. The new law requires City construction...
Position Announcement: Fundraiser Organizer
We are seeking an individual who has experience working in low-income communities of color to help ensure the sustainability of Got Green through grassroots fundraising with individuals and major donors. POSITION DETAILS The Fundraiser Organizer will lead grassroots...
[satellite gallery=5 auto=on]These photos from 2014 show that the Earth Week Green-A-Thon is just too much fun to miss... Put Saturday, April 25 2015 on your New Year's calendar and sign up at right to play a role in helping Got Green reach deep into communities of...
We are pleased to announce that this week Priority Hire legislation was introduced in Seattle City Council. Today communities of color, labor unions and unemployed youth packed the Housing Affordability, Human Services and Economic Resiliency Committee meeting at...
Got Green Supporters! Thanks to you 2014 was a banner year…
[satellite gallery=4 auto=on] From our successful leadership transition to Earth Day Green-A-Thon; from the Young Leaders' team advancing a climate justice framework to our Women's Leadership Institute organizing to close the food security gap; from the Targeted...
“Young Leaders Ramp Up!”
“When I was 16, I had a green job internship with a civil and architecture firm. I worked with the engineer and the architect to make sure that construction sites were meeting environmental standards. My work made me feel great. The problem was I had to help...
PACK CITY HALL ON DEC 4th at 9:00 AM for Priority Hire/Targeted Local Hire
Seattle City Hall - 600 4th AveThursday, December 4th ~ 9:00 AMWEAR GREEN - To Support Priority Hire/Targeted Local HireIt's been a long time coming, but we believe the Priority Hire Ordinance will (finally!) be introduced at the CHASER Committee of Seattle City...
Priority Hire Introduction (for real!) December 4th
Join Got Green's South Seattle Jobs Committee on Thursday, December 4th at 9:00 AM as we pack City Council Chambers for the introduction (for real this time folks) of the Priority Hire/Targeted Local Hire Ordinance - Please wear GREEN. As all those Christmas lights...
#ALLIN4GOTGREEN Grassroots Fundraising Campaign Exceeds $16,000
Got Green supporters - you rocked our world! 178 gifts = $16,075 in 10 Days during our #ALLIN4GOTGREEN online grassroots fundraising campaign. THANK YOU! And if you missed the chance to give because you were out of town, your paycheck just hit, etc. we'll leave the...
#ALLIN4GOTGREEN $10k/10 days Grassroots Fundraising Campaign launches
Happy Monday! We are kicking off the “All In for Get Green” e-fundraiser to raise $10,000 in 10 days, from October 27 to November 5. Join us in our last our last hurrah before the end of the fiscal year by making an “online donation”to Got Green. Donations will...
Founder Michael Woo has been “All In” for racial and economic justice for more than 40 years…
Got Green Supporters Ask YOU to Go All In!
There’s Action at the City Hall on Local Jobs! Mayor Murray proposed a Targeted Local Hire policy
On September 18th, in front of a packed room of dozens of unemployed workers and community leaders, Council member Sally Clark read Mayor Murray’s Targeted Local Hire policy (or “Priority Hire”) to the Committee on Housing Affordability, Human Services and Economic...
Women’s Leadership Institute Inspires Campaign to Close Food Security Gap
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Got Green's Young Leaders in the Green Movement team up with the City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment to learn together about the impacts of climate change to our community in SE Seattle and what we can do about it. Save the Date! SE SEATTLE...
October 11th, the Women of the Food Access Team report back of Women’s Leadership Institute and launch next issue!
From March to July over 60 unique individuals, women of color, and low-income women engaged in authentic community dialogue about food access issues in our community and how we can grow as leaders to advocate for greater access to healthy and affordable food for our...
Priority Hire Moves Forward!
[satellite gallery=3 auto=on] Got Green and our Targeted Local Hire Coalition partners packed City Hall on September 18th for the first reading of the Targeted Local Hire Ordinance [renamed "Priority Hire]. Rainier Beach Moving Forward President Gregory Davis said it...
Call Mayor Murray and Councilmember Clark: Targeted Hire NOW!
Targeted Hiring: Our Communities and Planet Can’t Wait!
“Two months after the stakeholder process concluded, we are still waiting for the recommendations on Targeted Hiring to be released,” said Columbia Legal Services attorney Andra Kranzler, “We entered into the process last October in good faith and coalesced with the...
South Seattle Jobs Committee’s Selfie Campaign Unveiled
[satellite auto=on] Join the green movement- take your own selfie, post it to social media: #targetedhireHelp Got Green get Targeted Hire on the City Council agenda before summer ends...Our communities can't wait!
The Got Green 2013 Annual Report, “Powerful Teamwork,” is finally out!
“Got Green provides the intersection of environmental justice, racial justice, and economic justice. You got to tackle all those things if you’re going to make substantial progress. Folks need to be pushing from the bottom up.” Read the rest of Board Chair Inye...
Powerful Teamwork 2013 Annual Report: Interview with Inye Wokoma
"Got Green provides the intersection of environmental justice, racial justice, and economic justice. You got to tackle all those things if you’re going to make substantial progress. Folks need to be pushing from the bottom up." Got Green: How did you get involved...
Powerful Teamwork 2013 Annual Report: Letter from Executive Director Jill Mangaliman
Dear Got Greeners and supporters, I write with enthusiasm and much pride my very first letter as the director of Got Green. We’ve been working hard for the past 2 years to make this leadership transition process possible to guarantee that Got Green will be an...
Young Leaders Oppose “Training Wage” Proposal: An Open Letter to City Council
May 28, 2014 Dear Seattle Mayor and City Council, We’ve been following the recent debate about including a “training wage” in the City’s new $15 minimum wage ordinance. Got Green wants to go on record opposing a “training wage” or any other effort to diminish and...
Powerful Ideas Emerge from Women’s Leadership Institute
“The challenge is that you’re not going to solve the affordability problem on the backs of farmers. Not if we’re talking about our local, regional farmers, who do grow sustainably. It’s not a price issue that we’re talking about so much as an income issue. And it’s...
Powerful Teamwork 2013 Annual Report: Interview with Claira Le
"Got Green not only motivates me but all young people to stand up and fight for your rights." Got Green: How did you get involved with Got Green?Claira Le: I got involved with Got Green when Mo asked me to take a survey for the Young Workers Project during a farmer...
Powerful Teamwork 2013 Annual Report: Interview with Tanika Thompson
“Being a part of creating opportunity for people of color, low income families and women gives me a chance to help individuals like myself…” Got Green: How did you get involved? Tanika Thompson: Michael Woo asked me to join the Jobs Committee and help to plan the...
Earth Day Green-A-Thon 2014 To Reach 500 SE Seattle Families
We are so excited to announce our second annual Green-A-Thon Event on Saturday, April 26th 9-2pm during Earth Week!!! We want to invite you to celebrate Earth Day with us – Southeast Seattle style. Earth Day is a great chance to reconnect to one other and our planet...
Women Speak Out Against Barriers to Accessing Healthy Food in South Seattle – Got Green’s First Women’s Leadership Institute Workshop Starts the Dialogue
“You have to be really imaginative to bring home not only healthy foods but foods you enjoy. That is about culture and community for me – I have to usually travel to get collard greens. A lot of times, they’re just not offered. At the stores, they’re just not...
Women’s Leadership Institute – Opportunity for Women of Color and Low-Income Women to Grow as Community Leaders and Expand Their Knowledge on Food Access Issues in South Seattle
“This is a great way to help the community learn what’s available to us and help with our medical needs, children’s needs and family’s needs through more healthy food”. – Laura Jones, Food Access Team member. Got Green’s Food Access Team is hosting a free four-part...
Michael Woo passes the baton to new director Jill Mangaliman
A Message from the Got Green Board Dear Got Green Family, Friends, and Supporters, The struggle we are all engaged in more resembles a relay than a sprint. We win battles and achieve benchmarks along the way, but to attain a more equitable and just world, we need...
Young Workers in the Green Economy Project: Final Report Released!
Tonight in front of a crowd of 200 inter generational, and racially diverse supporters, the Young Workers in the Green Economy Project released the findings of their 10-month-long community research project with Seattle young adults (18-35). With youth unemployment...
Nan Mukungu’s video story: I don’t understand why you would pay less than minimum wage
" There were points (during my Americorps placement) where I ran out of food stamps, ran out of money and had to sell my clothes..." - Nanyonjo "Nan" Mukungu, 23, Got Green Youth Leader Ten months ago, Got Green launched the Young Workers in the Green Economy Project...
Khalil Panni’s Video Story: People are struggling and that needs to be acknowledged
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Delivering our promise to City Council! Fresh Bucks Campaign steps it up a notch…
by Violet Lavatai, Food Access Team member and Got Green Board Secretary Today, we are releasing a long-overdue video, titled “Fresh Bucks"! As you all know, the Women in Green (W.I.G) project has been advocating for "Fresh Bucks" program to be implemented in the city...
Oliver William’s Video Story: I dropped out of school because I couldn’t afford the bus
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Claira Le’s Video Story: “I am a low-income, bi-lingual student…”
“I’m struggling a lot on my own and I’m still asking questions everyday, how can that change? I am a low-income bi-lingual student, my mother does not speak English. How can you help other students like me? It’s really hard to find financial aid nowadays.The money...
What do young people of color have to say about school, jobs, the economy, and the environment?
Young Workers Seek Community Feedback
[easyrotator]erc_60_1379631773[/easyrotator] By Oliver Williams, Young Workers in the Green Economy Committee Member. Edited by Mo! The Young Workers in the Green Economy hosted a community feedback session Tuesday September 17, 2013. The event was organized to...
Call On City Council to Pass Targeted Local Hire Resolution on September 23!
CALL OR EMAIL AT LEAST TWO OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS BELOW TODAY! MESSAGE: I support the Targeted Local Hire/Construction Careers Resolution that you will be voting on Monday, September 23. Local hiring is good for our local communities of color and good for the...
Show Your Support for Targeted Local Hire on SEPTEMBER 12th!
On Sept. 12th, the city council will vote on a "resolution" to begin a process to establish a permanent policy on Targeted Local Hire (TLH) on city-funded projects. Show the city we want action now! Please plan to attend to show your support! Targeted Local Hire...
Support Fresh Bucks this Farmer’s Market Season!
Gail-Marie is a senior from New Holly who supports Fresh Bucks. You can also support access to healthy food for low-income families and seniors by supporting Fresh Bucks! EBT-users can shop at Seattle farmers markets and double up their bucks, until October 31....
Fresh Bucks User Emma Freeman’s Video Story
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Targeted Local Hire Coalition Delivers 600+ petitions to City Council
Last week on June 18th, 20 Got-Greeners and community partners marched up to City Hall and delivered over 600 petitions to the City Council at their full meeting. The petitions were attached together on a scroll that was 100 feet long! The team handed the long scroll...
MAY 22nd LOCAL HIRE “Brown Bag Lunch”
Local Hire is a tool community groups around the country use to create living wage JOBS! These policies have already been adopted by several major cities and have proven to increase construction jobs and apprenticeship training opportunities for local...
Emerging Leader Profile: Violet Lavatai, ‘Putting my community first’
Inspirational. Heartfelt. Passionate. Giving. Caring. Compassionate. Selfless. These are words that I use to describe Violet and her story, which I was fortunate to hear on a rainy afternoon, over coffee and donuts at King’s Donut Shop off Rainier. Violet, Healthy...
Women in the Green Economy/Food Access Team’s organizing puts fresh, local produce back on low income families’ tables
The Healthy Food Access Team made great progress in 2012. Last year was the mark of empowerment and emerging leaders. In the pursuit of food justice, for low income women and women of color, the Team took to the steps of the State legislature and embarked on a mission...
Emerging Leader Profile: Sintayehu Tekle, ‘Refusing to Be a Statistic’
For Sintayehu Tekle, Got Green represents one simple thing: Hope. Sintayehu’s is a classic story of overcoming a negative environment, language barriers, and the influence of gangs to build a future - not only for himself, but for his community. He went from being an...
Emerging Leader Profile: Khalil Panni, ‘It Just Feels Good to Make a Difference’
Family is the bedrock of our society, the fabric upon which our society is formed. As the proverb goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Khalil Panni grew up with a strong extended family that shaped his sense of community. A Seattle native, the current member of...
Emerging Leader Profile: Vernon Hill, ‘Helping others step forth’
Vernon Hill, a Got Green grassroots leader, enjoys working with his hands. He has worked in construction, maintenance, and aerospace industries, and has his AA in Construction Management. This past year, Vernon combined his construction work experience with his deep...
South Seattle Jobs Committee: City development needs to create jobs for our community!
“Our power is greatest when the debate about jobs is happening in the public eye.” – Michael Woo, Organizer and Got Green Director Wielding signs that read, “What, no local hire?”, “If you work here, hire here” and “Do the right thing, hire locally,” members of Got...
Letter from Board Chair Inye Wokoma and Director Michael Woo
Earth Day 2013 Dear Got Green Supporter, One of our volunteer writers asked Vernon Hill a pivotal question in community organizing – “Why, when it’s so easy to hang back, have you stepped forward to lead?” “I do it because I want to come forth myself and speak up for...
Packed House Launches Local Hire Ordinance Campaign
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Young Workers in Green Economy Contract Organizer Position Open
Young Workers in the Green Economy Project Organizer – PHASE I (April 1-July 31, 2013; $8,000 consulting contract based on average 20 hours/week at rate $25/hour. Option to renew to lead PHASE II, August 1 – Nov 30 depending on performance.) Contract staff position...
South Seattle Jobs Committee Launches Campaign for “Targeted Local Hire” Ordinance
“Having folks unemployed while infrastructure is being built makes people feel that they are being ignored, that they are not considered a part of any community,” said Andra Kranzler, of Columbia Legal Services. Southeast Seattle environmental and racial justice group...
Community Jobs Forum for TARGETED LOCAL HIRE Saturday, March 23 * 11 AM - 1 PM * Southside Commons * 3518 S Edmunds St, Seattle 98118 [stream provider=video base=x:/ flv=GG-TLH-Promo-v2.mp4 img=GG-TLH-Promo-CvrImg.jpg...
Fresh Bucks Double-Up Program Must Be Renewed!
Our Women in Green Food Access Team ended 2012 on a high note. During this eventful year, I saw each team-member grow in our skills and leadership, myself included. One of the goals of the Food Access Team, stated in our Women in the Green Economy: Voices from...
Young Workers in the Green Economy: We know what our community has so let’s bring it!
On December 3 Got Green received a Small and Simple Projects Fund Matching Grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to launch the Young Workers in the Green Economy Project. At the heart of this endeavor is a simple idea: young adults from low-income...
VOTE With Got Green and the Strong Families Movement
Exactly one year ago Got Green's "Access to Healthy Foods Campaign," organized through our Women in the Green Economy Project, was invited to join three other grassroots groups in Washington State to help build the Strong Families Movement. Grassroots leaders from...
Want to support the first annual Green-A-Thon but can't join us on October 13th? Love Got Green but hate door knocking? Willing to access your personal networks to help Got Green reach our fundraising goal? Spend all your time on Facebook so you might as well put that...
Got Green Rolls Out Signature Fundraising Event
"We wanted to create a signature fundraising event that could tap into Got Green's strengths and us an "each one-reach one style" of grassroots giving," said Green-A-Thon organizer, Kristyn Joy. "We hope the Green-A-Thon does just that. It draws on our experience with...
“Fresh Bucks” Program Reponds to SE Seattle Womens’ Call for Local, Healthy Foods
[embedplusvideo height="365" width="600" standard="" vars="ytid=c2u-9Vd7S1M&width=600&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep8188" /] Got Green is...
Communities of Color Get Mayor McGinn to Host Construction Jobs Talks
[embedplusvideo height="365" width="600" standard="" vars="ytid=cWY1bmZtkqY&width=600&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep9766" /] On May 15 Got...
Mayor McGinn Tells Coalition He Seeks ‘Shared Prosperity’
Months of community organizing and negotiations paid off Tuesday night May 15 as a community coalition led by Got Green reached agreement with Mayor Mike McGinn on next steps towards making the city’s hiring process for construction jobs more equitable for low income...
Support Strong Families and Strong Women this Mother’s Day!
[embedplusvideo height="477" width="600" standard="" vars="ytid=BZ2QKKq5adI&width=600&height=477&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep2578" /] Women in the...
Stand up for good green jobs in Southeast Seattle!
Shouldn’t a project that is being “built green” hire locally from our community? The reconstruction of the Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool is being funded with $14 million in our tax dollars. But the contractors aren’t required to hire and train local workers...

2011 Organizing Report – Ramata Diébaté: “Thinking about how green really affects our families changed my whole mind frame”
In 2011 Ramata Diébaté, a 2007 graduate of the University of Washington, discovered Got Green’s Women in Green Economy Project and quickly became involved: “I was breastfeeding my 18 month old and I was very aware of what types of nutrients I was putting into my body,...

2011 Organizing Report – Putting Women’s Voice Front and Center in the Green Economy
“This project represents a voice that doesn’t get lifted up; it represents a perspective that needs to get heard,” said Got Green board member Theresa Fujiwara at the launch of the new Women in the Green Economy Project last January. Lillie Brinker, expanded on this...

2011 Organizing Report – Ed Mayer: “It’s our job to make sure no one is left behind”
“The Recession hit me hard,” said Ed Mayer, who worked steadily as a journey level construction worker out of the Laborers Union Local 440 before the economy tanked. Living much of his adult life in the Puget Sound, Ed reaches out to young people about the importance...

2011 Organizing Report – Letter from Director Michael Woo
April 9, 2012 Dear Got Green Supporter: When we formed Got Green in 2008, talk about climate change, global warming and saving the planet was all around us. One message really resonated with me: get on board with the new, green economy or get left behind. I remembered...

2011 Organizing Report – Organizing for a Green Solution to Unemployment in Communities of Color
When the Green Jobs Act was passed by Congress in 2007, and then later funded through the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), dozens of training programs were established to help address job shortages in low income communities and meet the need in...
Got Green Helps Save Farmers Market Bucks
Good News! The Farmer’s Market Nutrition Programs (FMNP) did not get cut and are included in our Washington State Senate and House Budgets! Over the last 4 months Got Green worked to save the FMNP. With your help we……. *Collected over 250 petitions *Organized two...
GREAT NEWS! The Farmer's Market Nutrition Program MADE IT into the House Budget! The House Budget INCLUDES funding for WIC FMNP!!!!! The news we had received this morning was that it wasn't in the budget but after all of the confusion, we have GREAT NEWS! It has not...

Holding our legislators accountable in Olympia! HERE WE ARE…
By Violet Lavatai, Food Access Team Member On February 14, 2012 Women in Green took a second trip to Olympia to join Faith Action Now (FAN) in fighting for some of the programs that Governor Gregoire's new budget proposals have put on the chopping block for the...

Women in Green go to Olympia!
Ramata Diebate reflects on the action and reports back to the Got Green and the community... January 12, 2012 was the day! It was a crisp but sunny January morning as Got Green headed to Olympia to try to save the Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). Women in...
Stand up for Good Green Jobs in our community!
Join the SE Seattle Jobs Campaign today! Why: The reconstruction of the Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool is being funded with $14 million in our tax dollars. But the contractors aren't required to hire and train local workers to do the work. That ain't green -...

Local Hiring: Good for the Planet and Good for SE Seattle
Unemployed workers and community supporters are planning informational pickets at the site where the Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool are being rebuilt by CE &C, a Tacoma-based contractor. “We’re asking CE&C (the general contractor) to insure members of...

Join us for the 30th Anniversary MLK Day Celebration @ Garfield High School!
March with Got Green! After the rally, meet us on the steps leading to the main entrance of the school to march together as a group downtown to the Federal Building for a short program. A snack lunch and free buses back to Garfield will be available too. Starting at...

Action on Chase Bank:Stop taking food off of our families’ tables! It’s time to give back!
Great job on the Chase action on Saturday! We delivered a big turkey and letter to the Othello branch manager demanding that Chase give back 10% of the fees they charge on EBT cards to save the Farmer's Market Nutrition program for low-income women, children, and...
“Green Women, Healthy Voices” Event VIDEOS are here!
On Saturday, September 24th, Got Green and the people of SE Seattle gathered at South Lake High School to report back to the community about the Women in the Green Economy project. Women shared powerful testimonials and recommendations for ways to ensure that women...

Green Women, Healthy Voices: Michelle Esguerra
Michelle Esguerra is a journey-level, union electrician who lost her full-time job in 2009 a few months before her daughter, Clover, was born. She recently became a certified energy auditor through a federal stimulus funded green job training program. Michelle is...

Green Women, Healthy Voices: Ramata Diebate
Ramata Diebate is a committed parent of two young children, Dominic and Ella. A 2007 graduate of the University of Washington, she volunteers at the Kent Family Court Parent-to-Parent Peer Advocates program. Since participating in an urban environmental education...

Green Women, Healthy Voices: Sylvia Sabon
Prioritize green jobs and opportunities for low income women and people of color Sylvia Sabon got her start in the construction industry through a community hiring agreement won by the Seattle-based grassroots group LELO that prioritized low income women and workers...

Green Women, Healthy Voices: Jacquel Redmond
Grassroots women want green homes for their family’s health AND what’s good for the planet Jacquel Redmond and her son, Reakwan (7) are lifelong residents of Seattle’s Rainier Beach neighborhood. Jacquel is actively involved in improving her community for all families...

Access to Healthy Foods: Violet Lavatai
Violet Lavatai and her son Russell live with her sister’s family in Seattle’s Skyway neighborhood. They had their own place until the recession hit and it cost Violet her job as a computer technician for a national gas station chain. Violet is passionate about...

Press Release
Green Women, Healthy Voices: We will be heard! Women in Southeast Seattle release survey findings and recommendations on the green economy. SEATTLE - On September 24th 2011, Got Green's Women in the Green Economy Project will release their survey findings and...

Women, Secret Shoppers, and Putting Healthy Food Within Reach
by Tammy Nguyen and Kristyn Joy. What has become clear to the Women in the Green Economy Project is that “Access to Healthy Foods,” just like “Green Jobs,” is as much an economic justice issue as an environmental one. You can’t open a newspaper or turn on the radio...

Got Green makes “Real Change” with Stimulus Dollars
Got Green, with the stimulus money it received, has trained 27 low-income individuals in South Seattle in two of its weatherization training programs - a program in partnership with LiUNA (Laborers' International Union of North America. The last group of trainees -...

Got Green Trainees demand City of Seattle Green Jobs following their graduation!
SE SEATTLE PRESSURES CITY OF SEATTLE TO MAKE GOOD ON ITS PROMISE OF GREEN JOBS South Seattle residents addressed the City of Seattle to make good on its promise of green jobs at Got Green's community event, Wednesday March 16th. Deputy Mayor, Darryl Smith, was...

Got Green’s “Women in the Green Economy” project engaging women in the green movement
SE Seattle Women's voices are put front and center in Got Green's "Women in the Green Economy" project. The project surveyed women in SE Seattle around four issue areas: green jobs; green homes; access to healthy and fresh foods; and better access to public...
“Women in the Green Economy” project launch video
Got Green launched the "Women in the Green Economy" project on January 29th at the historic Lee House The "Women in the Green Economy" project aims to learn from women and their families in SE Seattle about what they need and want from the green movement by...
Got Green marching in UNITY at the Martin Luther King Celebration at Garfield High School
Got Green will be marching in solidarity with the community to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There has been a lot of political hate rhetoric that needs to be renounced! Join Got Green at Garfield High School for this community event: MLK, Jr Celebration: "Many...
Do you GOT GREEN in 2011? Attend our last orientation for FREE Weatherization Job Training!
Start the new year off by getting green in 2011! Attend our last orientation for FREE Union Certified Weatherization Installers Training! You must attend an orientation to be considered in the selection process! Monday, January 10 1:00pm-2:30 pm Southside Commons...

Women in the Green Economy Project Launch
We are inviting you to participate in Got Green’s exciting new project: “Women in the Green Economy “ Project Launch: Saturday, January 29th, 2011 10:00-11:30 AM: Reception The Lee House at New Holly 7315 39th Ave S, Seattle 98118 Please join us as we launch this...

Community Green Jobs Forum in White Center, November 12!
Got Green & LIUNA Graduate 13 Weatherization Tech/Installers!
[stream provider=video flv=x:/ img=x:/ embed=true share=true width=640 height=360 dock=true...

Real Change News Investigates Green Jobs
"... Across the nation, the money is slowly starting to be spent, but Seck and nine other Got Green trainees who are still waiting for work were shocked to learn what some of the $5 billion is going to in Washington state: to pay 15 workers minimum wage for work that,...
Got Green 4.21 KCHA Action for Green Jobs

Got Green Demands Livable Wage Jobs for the Community from King County Housing Authority
Got Green visited KCHA offices today to demand and advocate for the following. Photos courtesy of Ian Dapiaoen. April 21, 2010 Dear KCHA Commissioners: Nancy Holland-Young, Michael Brown, Doreen Marchione, Peter Orser, Stephen Norman WHO WE ARE: Got Green is a...

Job Creation Begins at Home
Job Creation Begins at Home By Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins Originally published on The Today the Senate Energy Committee will begin debating a weatherization bill known as Home Star that aims to make American homes more energy efficient, while creating thousands of...

Photos from our Kickoff Event!
Our good friend Inye (who helped create Got Green's hip hop video) took some photos at last night's event. Thanks to all the 180+ community activists, youth, allies, artists, etc who made this a great event.

Got Green Newsletter Now Online!
Got Green is proud to announce their very first newsletter, packed with information, beautiful photos and even a "Got Green Glossary" to get you hip on what CFL, DOL, ARRA and "350" means. Check out the Newsletter section and download it today!

Got Green 2010 Kickoff Event, Wednesday March 17!
Got Green is hosting its first open house on Wednesday, March 17! Expect food, entertainment, multimedia presentations and the chance to network with Got Green and their community partners on how to support Green jobs, Green initiatives, youth, low-income communities...
LIUNA and Got Green Weatherization Project
LIUNA and Got Green collaborated on a weatherization project in Highland Park last summer.
Do You Got Green? Seattle-grown hip hop at its greenest
Got Green produced a hip hop video highlighting the importance of green jobs, green initiatives, and energy conservation. This video debuted at the 2009 White Center Community Summit in December; featuring longstanding Seattle hip hop figureheads Silver Shadow D,...

Got Green advocates for livable wage jobs at Seattle City Council
On Monday, June 22, Got Green youth and their community parters attended Seattle City Council to advocate for living wage jobs for low-income families and youth. Got Green produced 1,000 pledge cards from the community - our White Center neighborhood included - and...