Job Announcement: Executive Director

Got Green is hiring an Executive Director  Got Green is looking for a new Executive Director who has experience with community organizing, grassroots campaigns, organizational development, staff support & supervision, management of base-building programs,...
The Fight for Repairs & Healthy Public Housing

The Fight for Repairs & Healthy Public Housing

“What do we want?!” ——- “Repairs!” “When do we want ‘em?!” ——- “Now!” The chants of public housing tenants filled the air as we piled into every inch of Seattle Housing Authority’s (SHA) Rainier Vista office in south Seattle. In both English and Somali,...

Job Announcement: Operations Manager

Operations Manager: Info about this position: job description, salary, and more   To Apply Email a cover letter, resume, and three professional references in pdf format to Please use “Operations Manager” as the subject line of the email. This...
Goodbye, For Now

Goodbye, For Now

SAYING GOODBYE AFTER A DECADE OF GROWING AT GOT GREEN It is with a heavy heart to share with you that this is my last month at Got Green as Executive Director. It has been such a journey to grow together with this organization. When I joined in 2009 as a volunteer, I...
After Earth Day

After Earth Day

Thank you for joining Got Green for our Earth Day events on April 22! Whether you dug your hands into the soil at Nurturing Roots, put up posters across the South End, drew inspiration from the BLOC Party Assembly, or learned about the Duwamish River Cleanup...
The Fight for Repairs & Healthy Public Housing

Earth Day

Thank you for registering for Got Green’s Earth Day events on April 22 – this Thursday. You will find the details for our events below, including times, locations, safety protocols for in-person events, and links. For the in-person events, we recommend you wear...
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