Claira Le helps lead the Young Workers Committee, together with Oliver and her younger brother Andrew.
“Got Green not only motivates me but all young people to stand up and fight for your rights.”
Got Green: How did you get involved with Got Green?
Claira Le: I got involved with Got Green when Mo asked me to take a survey for the Young Workers Project during a farmer market last year in June. After the survey, Mo invited me to a round time dinner. The dinner caught my attention when Mo mentioned the barriers that community was facing when it came to unemployment. I was hungry for more information and since then I have been involved with the Young Workers Committee at Got Green and much more.
GG: What motivates you?
CL: What motivates me is the impact Got Green has made on other people in the community. I have a passion of helping others. When I met Got Green staff, I was able to see how amazing these people are and that they truly care for their community. It motivates me to continue giving back to the community even when I have to face difficult obstacles. Even so, Got Green pushes me to try new things and have a positive mind set. Got Green not only motivates me but all young people to stand up and fight for your rights.
GG: What issues impacts you and your family?
CL: A lot of issues impact my family and me, mostly access to financial aid for college and being able to afford healthier food and transportation. These issue impact us the most because this is what our everyday lives consist of and it sucks that we can’t afford it. It’s hard for me to get to school or even have a nice healthy meal without the cost of it being too expensive. Growing up in a family that is bilingual, imagine how hard it is to get help when everything is in English, especially when my mother is a single mother that doesn’t speak English so well. This led to me having to juggle work and school to help my mother.
GG: Why Got Green?
CL: I choose to volunteer at Got Green because Got Green is a well-respected organization in the community that loves to take on the challenge to make the community a better place. Got Green puts all of their effort into making sure everyone has a voice and their opinions are heard. I remember when I first walked into Got Green Michael Woo had a big smile on his face welcoming me into the office. Every staff member made me feel like family and that’s what we became, family. I am very happy that I made the right decision to volunteer at Got Green.
GG: What new experiences have you had?
CL: I gain new experiences with Got Green every time, whether I’m in or out of the office. I have met so many people that have the same passion as me. Being able to communicate and introduce Young Workers to the community and to take on responsibility as a young leader is an amazing feeling, because I am able to see my dream slowly turn into reality. Just a few months ago, I was announced to be one of the new members of the Got Green board. I was full of excitement and joy, because Got Green saw my creativity and talent that I didn’t even know. What made it even more interesting is that they are always willing to challenge me to be better and stronger with my decisions. They shape me into a better and wiser young leader. From the bottom of my heart, I truly admire everyone that is a part of Got Green. Words can’t explain how much Got Green has impacted me since I walk in the door. I love each and every one like they are my family. Got Green taught me the true meaning of hard work and dedication.
Check out our 2013 Annual Report, “Powerful Teamwork of Got Green.”