Got Green launched the “Women in the Green Economy” project on January 29th at the historic Lee House

The “Women in the Green Economy” project aims to learn from women and their families  in SE Seattle about what they need and want from the green movement by surveying low-income women and women of color around four issues: green jobs; green home; access to healthy and fresh foods; and public transportation.

Below is an article written by one of our survey volunteers and Got Green Board member, Jill Mangaliman:

“Women in the Green Economy” project

Seattle – Got Green launched “Women and the Green Economy,” a project to learn from women about what they need and want from the green movement for themselves and their families.

The launch happened on January 29th, at the historic Lee House. The room was filled with mostly women. One of them was Lillie Brinker, who became involved because of her passion for health and wellness in the African-American community and other communities of color.
“It’s time for low-income women and women of color to have their voices up front and center in the green movement,” Lillie told the crowd, “We begin here.”
For the next month, Got Green will survey women in Southeast Seattle, with the goal of collecting information about which green issues resonated with women. The results will be shared, followed by a series of focus groups and community roundtables to decide next steps.
The survey issues include: green jobs; access to healthy and fresh food; healthy green homes; and better public transportation options.
Project organizer, Tammy Nguyen, has been personally impacted by these issues. She and her children live in housing which takes three hours to heat and has mold. Her health doesn’t allow her to drive so she relies on public transit. She knows other women are going through similar things.
After the reception, I joined volunteers at MacPherson’s Fruit Stand. It was raining, but the owner let us under the covering. I found that women were willing to take the survey while they shopped as long as I could keep up. Many were interested in learning more and elaborated on what hit home for them.
“Women and the Green Economy” is funded by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award of the Seattle Department of Neighborhood. If you would like to get involved, contact Tammy Nguyen at (206)290-5160 ~
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